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Protea Embroidery

Protea Embroidery Template


DMC Floss:

Light Pink – 754

Medium Pink – 3859

Dark Pink – 814

Light Green – 580

Second Green – 937

Third Green – 936

Darkest Green – 935



Scotch Tape

A window that you can reach during the day


*I used all six strands in the embroidery thread for everything

*I used the Back Stitch and the Leaf Stitch (or Fishbone Stitch) in this project

*The template is for a 4 inch hoop, but it can be easily printed for a bigger sized hoop using the attachment above

I started this project my drawing a protea with colored pencils so that I could get a feel for the direction of the stitches and where the shading on the flower would be.

Then I drew out a very simple template with a sharpie.

I taped that template onto the back of my hoop, held it against the window, and traced my template onto my fabric.

After that I started adding my leaves with the leaf stitch (or fishbone stitch). I used the lighter green colors for the leaves at the front and the darker greens for the leaves at the back to simulate how the light would hit the flower and tried not to put the same shades right next to each other.

Now time for the petals. I used the lightest pink to color the tips of the petals to give them the impression they were being lit up by the sun.

Next I started to add in the medium pink in a triangle shape.

Then finally the darkest pink went anywhere I thought other leaves or petals would be casting a shadow on the petal I was stitching.

I thought this was a great straight forward project and I love how the colors turned out!

Tag me on Instagram if you try one of our templates! I would love to see how yours turns out!

All tutorials shown on www.LaurenChaseCo.Com are intended for personal use only. You are not permitted to sell your finished embroidery hoop that was made based on this tutorial.




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