A woodland fox themed baby mobile complete with snow capped mountains and piney trees!
My friend really wanted a woodland mobile for her new baby and really liked this one but wanted it to be a little big bigger so we decided to make her one instead! This project took about 16 hours to make and was really fun!

Materials: Sharp Scissors Needle DMC Embroidery Thread – Pine Tree Green (895), Fox Brown (301), Tree Trunk Brown (3021), White, Gray (934) (Bought at Hobby Lobby) Felt Squares (Bought at Hobby Lobby) 3 white, 2 gray, 2 green, 1 brown, 2 fox brown Pillow Stuffing (Bought at Hobby Lobby) Mobile Arm Bracket Loose Felt (Bought at Hobby Lobby) Fine Point Sharpie
This project is essentially the process of making a bunch of tiny pillows and when I think about it like that it sounds so much easier!
The Clouds: The clouds were the first thing that I did because I assumed they would be the easiest. I started my drawing a cloud shape on my white felt and then cut it out. Then I used that one to cut a back for the little cloud pillow. The felt sticks together pretty well on its on so I didn’t have to hold it up too much while I cut a copy. Then I did this three more times so that I had 8 pillow shapes. I also made all my pillows different because my husband said that was more realistic.
Next I sewed the pillows together with my white embroidery thread using an Overstitch. I did not split the embroidery thread because I wanted to see big chunky stitches. Once I was almost done and only had a couple inches left to go I filled up the clouds with Pillow Stuffing and then finished sewing them up.
The Trees: For the trees I cut four nice tall triangles (using my first one as a template) out of my green felt then I cut four rectangles from my brown felt for tree trunks. I sewed the tree trunks to the green triangles using the Backstitch and the green thread. Once all four of my green triangles had trunks sewn to their bases to used the Overstitch again to sew two trees together, stuffed them, and finished them off for two nice puffy trees!
The Mountains: For the mountains I cut 6 short fat gray triangles (using my first one as a template) to make some nice chunky mountains and then I rounded the sharp corners off the triangles so they would look a different than my trees. Then I cut 6 of the same triangles out of my white fabric for snow caps. Once I had my white triangles I trimmed off over half of the bottom of the triangle and did a zig zag cut for the snow cap effect. Then I put all four pieces for one mountain together (two snow caps and two mountains, caps on the outside) and did an Overstitch to sew them all together, stuffed them, finished up my Overstitch and my mountains were ready to go!
The Foxes: For the foxes I started out by drawing my fox shape on the reddish brown felt. Once I felt like it was right I cut it out and made three copies. Then I cut out two heart shapes out of the white fabric for this face. Then I cut out two tails from the reddish brown fabric. Then I cut two white tail tips for the fox tails. I sewed the white tail tip to the tail using the Backstitch. then sewed the tails to the fox using the Backstitch (I didn’t sew down the tip of the tail to add some dimension to the fox). For the white face I used the Backstitch to embroider a little triangle nose and two half moon sleeping eyes on him. Then i used the Backstitch to sew the little face to the body. Then I matched my fox front to a plain fox back and made my little fox pillow with the Overstitch.
The Felt Balls: I followed the instructions on how to make felt ball by these two cuties. I found these really hard to make without having a seam in them, that being said you can’t see the seam on the mobile so maybe it doesn’t matter. If anyone has a better way of making felt balls let me know!
Putting Together the Mobile: Lastly I used my needle and embroidery thread to put my animals together. I found it easiest to sew the thread on the top of one toy then the bottom of the next instead of string them all the way through. For the felt balls though did just string them on with my needle, tying a knot where I wanted the ball to sit before stringing.